Monday, August 4, 2014

August 2 to 4 - Days - Granville and Normandy

On Saturday we drove a good part of the day to get to Granville, which is on the Atlantic coast of France. We drove around Paris on one of the rings that bypass the city. The traffic wasn't bad. We stopped at a rest stop and ate lunch in the cafeteria. The food was pretty good and there were a lot of choices. Along the highway there were a lot of different shapes. Apparently this is some sort of art project...

We stayed at the Ibis Hotel, which was on the harbor and very nice (but finding a parking spot in France is as difficult as finding one at the mall during Christmas shopping time). Our room had a balcony that overlooked the harbor. The tide was out in this picture, and the tide schedule was "out at 6 and in at 12". Unfortunately that meant we never really saw it all the way in, because at midnight we were sleeping (and it was dark) and at noon we were out sightseeing.

After we got settled into the room, we headed back out to walk around the town. We walked around for a couple of hours, then ate supper at one of the restaurants in town. In France the restaurants don't even open until 7:00 pm and most people eat a lot later. On the way back to the hotel we stopped at a chocolate shop and spent a small fortune on chocolates (yum).
The town was on the side and top of a cliff.

A view of the ocean.

One of the harbors when the tide is out. The boats just sit on the mud.

On Sunday we drove around to the various beaches involved in D-Day and immersed ourselves in the history. It was a very important event for most of the towns in the area, so there are a lot of monuments and museums. This is the Pegasus Bridge, which was the first place liberated by the allies in WWII.

Flags from all the nations involved in D-Day.

The American cemetery in Normandy. 

We spent one more night in Granville, then headed back to Luxembourg to pack and get ready to go home.