Monday, July 14, 2014

July 13 & 14 - Day 0 & 1 - Airports and Airplanes

The flight from Cedar Rapids to Chicago was on time and uneventful. Just what we needed to lull us into a false sense wellbeing... (more on this later). Then we had about four hours to wait for the flight to London, so we had "lunch". Food in the airport costs a lot more than in "real life". I think the formula they use is 2 times normal price, but maybe it just seems that way. I had Chinese which was very good.
We were TSA-approved for security in Cedar Rapids. That basically meant that we went in a special line and didn't have to take off our shoes. Very nice.
We boarded on time in Chicago, and then sat in the airplane at the gate for 2-1/2 hours, which made us miss our connecting flight in London, which made us sit in the London airport for 7 more hours waiting for the next flight to Luxembourg, which made for a really looong day. Despite the delay in Chicago I was very pleased with American Airlines. The flight attendants gave us extra drinks and snacks while  we are waiting at the gate, plus they had free earphones and a pillow and blanket, and served us supper and breakfast. That is NOT the norm anymore.
If the long day wasn't enough, a dude in our row bumped my tray and spilled my pop all over me and inside (!!) my bag. Everything was wet and sticky and I spent considerable time trying to dry it out and unsticky it. And my suitcase was broken. And some lotion-type item exploded in my toiletries bag! The good news is it has to get better from here!
We finally arrived in Luxembourg after 24 hours of travel. It was after 6pm here (11am in Iowa). (It will take awhile to get used to the time difference. We are talking about going to bed - it's 10:30pm here, but in Iowa it's only 3:30pm.)
After supper we took a long walk. This is a beautiful country and very peaceful. Looking forward to seeing more of it.
Well, enough rambling for today. Regardless of what time it is, it's about time to call it a day.

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