Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 31 - Day 18 - Paris!!

We got up (way too) early and caught the bullet train to Paris. That train is fast!!

After we arrived in Paris we subjected ourselves to the Paris Metro (train) system, which is similar to the London Underground system, but way more annoying. Unlike in London, where you can pretty much go from anywhere to anywhere else, in Paris it appears that you can't get there from here, and if you can, it's currently closed for repairs. (I have been assured that it's not always that bad, but my first impression wasn't very good).
After about an hour on multiple trains and with some backtracking, we finally arrived at the Eiffel Tower. Very impressive to stand next to it and look up!

We got in a line to buy tickets to go up in it, then stood in another line to take an elevator to the "2nd floor". The view from there is awesome and breathtaking, and it's still a long way to the top!

We enjoyed the view for a little bit, then got in line for the elevators to the top. Wow! Even more awesome and breathtaking!

Then we got in a line to take the elevator back down to the 2nd floor, where we got in another line to take the elevator back down to the bottom. Total time at the Eiffel Tower = 3.75 hours. The awesome and breathtaking part was about 30 minutes of that...

After the Eiffel Tower we found a place to eat lunch. I had a ham and cheese sandwich, called a Croque-Monsieur, where the ham was on the inside and the cheese was on the outside. It was good.

After lunch we went on a river boat tour of the River Seine. I stayed out in the sun long enough for this picture to be taken, then went down inside the boat. The narrator for the tour used exactly the same accents on her French and English words, which made the English sound very strange.

After the boat tour we walked to Notre Dame Cathedral. It is impressive, but not as impressive as the ones we saw in Rome.

Then we went to the Arc de Triomphe. The traffic in the circle is crazy!!

After that it was time to head back to the train station and catch the bullet train back to Luxembourg.

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