Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17 - Day 4 - Hot and Cold

Before we arrived on Monday, the weather here had been rainy, and rainy. Since we arrived the weather has been sunny and warm. (You're welcome, Luxembourg). Out walking around in the sun, it's maybe a little too warm sometimes, especially because I don't do heat and sun very well. And I got a sunburn on my legs yesterday. Anyway, that's the "hot" part in the "Hot and Cold" title. Overall though, the weather has been great and we are enjoying our time here very much. I like it here.

In addition to walking around in town, we have been taking the bus occasionally. The public transportation system here is awesome. You can take a bus anywhere in the town and not wait very long for it.

A couple months ago my daughter and I started following "An American in Luxembourg" on Facebook. He wrote a song about learning Luxembourgish that was featured in a local newspaper and since then has become something of a local celebrity. He makes funny videos and talks about Luxembourg and its culture and language from an outsiders perspective in an interesting and (very) entertaining way. In one of our Skype conversations prior to our trip, my daughter and I talked about how it would be fun to meet him, so I sent him a message a couple weeks ago and asked him if that would be possible. He said, "Sure", so we met him this morning at a local place and had a good conversation. He is a funny and friendly man. (We gave him the jar of peanut butter - it has to do with one of his videos). He wrote about us and posted this picture on his page today. (If you are reading this Mike McQuaide, Villmools Merci!)

After breakfast with Mike and some shopping in town, we drove to Rumelange and the Musée National des Mines (National Mining Museum). We ate lunch in the restaurant of the museum, and Amy and I had the seafood salad, which included a couple of shrimp... whole shrimp... (Not fond of eating food that had eyes still on it).

After lunch we went on a tour of the mine. We got to wear these attractive hats.

The tour guide spoke in German, so we had a speaker thingy which told us all of the tour facts in English, plus my son-in-law translated what the tour guide said. The tour guide was really funny, and the tour was very interesting.

An amusing side note: This little butterfly snuck in to the tour with us and stayed on Amy's jacket for the entire tour.  The temperature in the mine was about 50 degrees, so it probably was trying to stay in a warm place, and it may have been too cold for it to fly away.

We only walked a little over 2,5 miles today, so it was an easier day. We were all good with that.

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