Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15 - Day 2 - Walking Around Luxembourg

Ok, we didn't really walk around ALL of Luxembourg (although it seemed like it) - just around part of Luxembourg City. Five miles total today, in beautiful weather. I've seen hundreds of pictures of Luxembourg, but it's different in person. This a very beautiful country. It's awesome... and breathtaking.

The terrain in this area is a river valley with very high cliff sides, so the town is built on many levels, and some of the streets are STEEP! There is a good mix of old and new, sometimes in the same place. Instead of tearing an old building/wall/structure down, they just replace parts of it and keep the rest. You can see the history. It's not a disposable-minded country like in the US.

Here are pictures of one of the streets (a relatively flat one). Some of the houses are built right next to the cliff face. (Note the time difference on these pictures. They were taken a few minutes apart - the first one is Iowa time, then we changed the time on the camera.)

The town is surrounded by the remains of a fortress.

Venice in Luxembourg.

A good view of the different levels of the town.

Under the remains of the fortress is what they call the Casemates. There are tunnels/bunkers under most of the old town, and a small amount is open to the public. Here's a cheesy picture of us next to one of the old cannons.

Here is the view from the top of the fortress over the Casemates.

This is one of the main streets in the Centre (town center). The umbrellas are part of an art display I think. I've seen many pictures of this, but again, it's better in person.

One of the chocolate shops has really cool cakes. Unfortunately we couldn't but anything (because we were walking and we would have had to carry it).

We also toured one of the museums, but they didn't allow cameras there. They had some awesome carved wooden reliefs of the town depicting various years. They were very detailed. We ate lunch at Pizza Hut (yes, I know that's lame, but I wanted to see if it was the same - it was pretty much, maybe better).

One last thing for today. Here is the garden behind the house where my daughter and son-in-law live (where we are staying). His mom takes care of this almost full time.

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